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- variables (program variables)
A program variable is a string that begins with a capital
alphabetical letter followed by any numbers of alphabetical letters,
digits and `_'.
A program variable is thought of a box (a carrier) which can contain
Asir objects of various types. The content is called the `value'
of that variable. When an expression in a program is to be evaluated,
the variable appearing in the expression is first replaced by its value
and then the expression is evaluated to some value and stored in
the memory. Thus, no program variable appears in objects in the
internal form.
All the program variables are initialized to the value 0.
[0] X^2+X+1;
[1] X=2;
[2] X^2+X+1;
- indeterminates
An indeterminate is a string that begins with a small alphabetical letter
followed by any numbers of alphabetical letters, digits and `_'.
An indeterminate is a transcendental element, so-called variable,
which is used to construct polynomial rings.
An indeterminate cannot have any value. No assignment is allowed to it.
[3] X=x;
[4] X^2+X+1;
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